Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pre-Op @ Seattle Children's

Well today was a roller coaster of a day let me tell you. I started my morning off @ 4 am and got an early start on my way to the hospital. I only live 23 miles from Seattle Children's but let me just say if there is traffic plan on getting there in about 2 hours. Thus is the reason I had to leave 2 1/2 hours before our pre-op appointment. You would never believe how empty the parking lot was @ 6 am because when we left it sure was packed.

First Stop: Echo @ 8 am all went as well as it can when you have a heart baby. They play so awesome Baby Bach music and let you lay with your child while they preform the echo.  I thought that was pretty sweet Dylan laid with Cole during that I thought for sure there would be some snores since the echo took 45 mins. Cole weighed in today @ 8 lbs 5 oz which isn't great considering he was 8 lbs 1oz last Wednesday but like I said before I will take weight gain on him any way I can. Pulse Ox 86 can't wait to see 100%

Second Stop:  Meet with Cole's Surgeon Dr. McMullen I know in the beginning I was told that the surgeon would be Dr. Premut but I guess things change. I can honestly say the moment he walked in the room I was 100% comfortable with my son's heart in this mans hand literately.The Dr did his whole talk and explained things one by one. what to expect what complications we could run into and so on.He did say somethings I wasn't prepared to hear but I'm so glad he didn't hold anything back. I don't want to really want to go into detail about all the complications but as long as Cole can make it to 6 months post-op without any complications of the repair he will be just fine. If he does run into complications with the repair he will have a 50/50 chance of seeing his 1st birthday.   I did well too I didn't cry its like some hard shell over me and I was this different person. At one point I kept looking at his shoes over and over I like to check out peoples shoes kinda gives me an idea about what kind of person they are. Crazy I know LOL anyways he had on some pretty sweet cowboy boots and had them tucked under his dress slacks. Dr. McMullen promised me he would do everything in his power to fix Cole no matter what until he has no more options. I believe this man and that can let me rest easy tonight.

Third Stop: Nurse Practitioner. The NP seemed very nice went over all my day of surgery directions and went over just how the procedure would go and how long it would take. By the way everyone has a different amount of time they say the surgery will take. So I guess we will see how long it takes once we are actually done with the surgery. She gave me some wash to wash his skin where the incision will be made along with directions on how to use it also gave me some ointment for his nose to cut down the amount of bacteria in the nose.

Fourth Stop :Pass clinic basically they just made the okay that Cole was healthy enough for surgery and asked some anesthesia questions and sent me off with some pedialyte.

Last Stop Lab :   Wow 5 vilals of blood all filled from his heel lets just say he wasn't a happy camper

All in all our day was so busy while Dylan and I were going from appointment to appointment I didn't have time to be sad. Let me tell you when you walk out of those doors everything that just happened sets in all the talks all the tests everything. In 2 days I will be handing over my sweet boy alive and breathing the boy who can see my soul each time he stares into my eyes. He looks at me lately with this peace in his eyes that speaks to my heart and says:

"I love you mommy and no matter what I picked you and I will always be your baby."


  1. Thinking of you and Cole. The first 3 months are the hardest, after that it just gets easier. We don't even have to go back to cardiology for another year. G/d willing he will come through the surgery great and you will be home before you know it!

  2. Thinking of you. Handing over your baby is very hard but you are strong and you can do this. Praying for you. Love from a fellow heart mom.
