The NG tube took about 3 tries and it wasn't my favorite part of the day at all. I don't think it was Coles favorite part of the day either. The feeds are going good now through the NG I'm exhausted Cole is exhausted. We are both ready for sleep.
Dylan and I both learned the basics about the NG and I'm not looking forward to putting it in if we get sent home with it. Cole has been a fussy man today and we have raided the toy room here for things to keep him entertained.
Hoping tomorrow is a better day echo in the morning and praying no more apnea spells tonight. He will sleep on a crazy looking wedge tonight to rule out the cause of apnea being reflux. Also another X-ray in the early AM as today was still hazy. Our goal day to get out of here is Saturday the 13th of July.
Aww I love all his little thing to keep him distracted. It's amazing to see that smile and make me feel like he knows he's gunna be just fine. Hope you guys get a good nights rest and have a better day tomorrow. Hope lil ironman gets good rest too. Love you all.