Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 1 Day After Surgery 7/6/13

Let me just say this room is freezing but I am grateful both Dylan and I can stay in the room with Cole. 

Last night started with a leaking in his vent tube but they fixed it. His arterial lines in wrist stopped working and tried for a good hour to put new ones in but no success. Dr this morning said for now we will leave them out. Oxygen levels are up and down between 93-96 but for good chunk of this morning levels were low 90's. 

We have graduated off the pacemaker as of 9 am this morning praying it stays that way. His lower body temp is pretty low not sure why. Cole is still on the ventilator it's set at 40% and the nitric is set at 20% for now. He has a bit of pulmonary hypertension at the moment. His lasikis have been increased to pull that extra fluid he is retaining.  

Still on lots of pain meds and meds he is still mildly sedated. He squeezes my finger when I talk to him and I have his wave sound machine on by his bed. The word on the street I was just told was we will try to removed the vent and chest tube on Monday and possibly I can hold him on Tuesday. If the holding can happen sooner I would be the happiest momma ever. Till then ill wait. 

Dr said he is doing good just need to keep making progress. Here are a few pictures of what Cole looks like today. Thank you to everyone showing us support we are grateful and blessed to have so many people caring and praying for our sweet baby Super Cole 

This was last night 

His sweet swollen face this morning

Resting peacefully 

Can't wait to ditch some of this machines when he is ready. 

Cords tubes wires but still looking handsome to mommy as always

Mommy and Daddy love you sweet boy get better so we can hold you. 


  1. My Izzie had her 2nd open heart surgery on Feb 25, 2013. I remember being right where you are. I will be praying for you all. It is so hard to look at their sweet little swollen faces and know you can't hold them. Sending you hugs. Hang in there. He will be so much better after this.

    Isabella's Momma (Wendy)

  2. Thank you, Wendy. Can't wait to just hold and kiss my baby.

  3. Rachelle, remember he is a fighter. Hold on to the victories no matter how big or small. Kids will always surprise you and bounce back quickly. You all are in my thoughts and we are praying for you all.
