Friday, December 12, 2014

Terrible 1 1/2's ??

Well the day has come when my perfect little angel has become that kid. The kid you hear screaming at the store lol the one you think to yourself thank goodness that's not my child. Well don't worry that screaming kid in the store is mine. We've entered the almost terrible twos maybe its the 1 1/2 year old crisis what ever it is Cole has lost his marbles he is a ball of emotions that is bouncing from wall to wall while screaming at the top of his lungs. I am looking forward to 3 because well let's be honest who likes the terrible twos and what ever else Cole is acting like these days. Still love my boy he is growing into his own little person moody and full of spunk. 

    He doesn't want to listen to my music so he plugs His ears. LOL this child of mine.