Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 6 Have Faith

What a night our poor Super Cole had. I was frustrated on the out side but crying on the inside for my sweet boy. Dad and I both took turns with Cole last night. As we switched off last night I noticed a huge sunken in spot in his soft spot. We notified the nurses everyone was stumped. We stayed on the feed pump but we were not put on any IV fluids for the dehydration since his labs came back looking great. 

After the hubby brought me some bean juice this morning I was able to be not such a bear. I prayed for strength and apologized for my bad night. We are all human and with little sleep we can all be bears dad included lol. 

This morning consisted of blood draws, EKG , and Echo. The dr did their rounds and GREAT news Coles heart repair looks awesome and so do his tests. Despite our horrible night we now have a plan. Cole can eat as he wants today no pressure. 

Lets just take it one hour at a time and not rush out sweet boy. Here are a few bible verses that are keeping me going today as I lay here reading my bible. 

Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me. ~Psalms 66:20

GOD be merciful unto us, and bless  us; and cause his face to shine upon us. ~Psalms 67:1

Bean juice and a sleeping baby = perfect 

Finally taking the bottle. You go Super Cole. Daddy is thrilled can you tell ??? :)

My Stud Super Cole always smiling to cheer mommy up. Love you hero boy

My boys asleep napping. Sleep well angel 

Just a swingin. Mommy this place is kinda fun sometimes. 


  1. Wow. All I can do is smile in regards to his progress - I feel every emotion when I read your posts - that's for sure (b/c of my son with TAPVR) - and I know when we first got to feed him in the hospital and it was working out, that was the best feeling ever.

  2. So so cute!! Happy he is progressing well! He looks fantastic (and YAY for bean juice!!).
