Wednesday, June 5, 2013

First Cardiology Appointment

On Tuesday June 4th we met with Cole's cardiologist Dr Krabill for the first time from Northwest Congenital Heart Care. We went to their Issaquah location located at Swedish Hospital. The appointment lasted almost 3 in a half hours. They weighed Cole, measured him, checked his oxygen level, did an EKG and an hour long Echo. Good news 2 weeks ago Cole was 6 lbs 4.8 oz yesterday he weighed 6 lbs 12 oz so YAY he is gaining weight. He isn't gaining fast enough in the doctors eyes but my little tough dude is gaining that is all that matters to me.

 A part of me was praying that during the Echo they would tell me they were wrong and Cole didn't have a heart defect and the first diagnosis Dr. Park had given was wrong. Although that didn't happen they did confirm that Cole still only had 2 defects TAPVR & ASD I am thankful the Echo didn't show anything new. Dr Krabill let me know she would like to have the surgery done no later than 2 months of age that would make the surgery date sometime mid July. She also would like to get him up to 7 -7 1/2 pounds as 10 pounds just wouldn't be feasible at the rate he is growing as of now.

 He was such a good boy for the appointment and slept for most of it. I shared my concerns with the Dr and she comforted me by telling me  that what I am feeling is normal. I am still angry with the world I'm trying so hard not to be angry. Cole's medical case will be presented to the Doctors at Seattle Children's Monday and Tuesday of next week at that time 3 surgeons will choose to take Cole's case and will pick a date and time for the surgery. I will find out the surgeons names and the date of the surgery on June 13th. Cole will have to see his cardiologist weekly till surgery.

 Cole has an appointment with his regular pediatrician tomorrow because he is now failing to have BM's they are happening once every other day. I will update again tomorrow when I know more of what the doctor is saying about this new problem.  

                                                          June 6th

So Cole had an appointment to see his pediatrician to determine his BM problem. Looks like he just has a lactose intolerance problem and possibly acid reflux We are now on the Soy looks like I see a difference still to early to tell though. 


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