Saturday, June 1, 2013

6/1/13 update

Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return  Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return  I HATE THAT WORD

As I look at my son he looks fine to me. It's what I can't see that is the problem that's whats killing me. Knowing that my son will have his chest opened up and his life will be in the hands of doctors. I know medicine has come along way and technology saves lives everyday, but this is my baby my tiny baby. UGHHH I want to scream. 

Tuesday is the first cardiologist appointment and Tuesday can't come fast enough. I have so many concerns and questions to ask the doctor's. I'm still watching Cole sleep and breath and sleep is what he does a lot. I'm still terrified he will pass in his sleep. The Doctor said that won't happen but how does he know for sure. Cole looks like he really struggles to breathe at times and that scares me more than I can explain,

 He looks like he is gaining weight which is a great thing but also scary because the faster he gains the sooner the OHS is. Cole eats every 2 hours about 2 ounces. He loves me a lot Dylan teases me that Cole only wants Mommy. I'm not sure if that is true but as the days pass our bond grows stronger. Cole is a fighter he will get through this he is tough I keep telling myself.

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