Friday, September 5, 2014

Insurance is a Joke!!!!! Thank you to employers that mess with your employees like this !!!

BIG RANT  so move along if you don't like what I have to say. Keep your negitive comments to yourself if you have anything rude to say about my post.

 Cole will not be seeing the Speech Pathologist right now till I figure how to pay for the visit. $500 is due for each appointment till his $4000.00 deductible is met, which they will take payments for but still. Why do I have insurance it's just some discount and why is it I am living paycheck to paycheck but don't qualify for jack squat. Affordable health care don't get me started with that. If my Husband goes to get a better job with a friend he knows it would be amazing financially for our family BUT the job has no health care offered. No biggie I will apply for affordable health care UMMMM $1000.00 a month to cover our family how is that affordable?????

I am at a loss of what to do. I just had to cancel the appointment for Cole what a sad world we live in my baby needs help but can't get it because I can't pay the deductible!!!!!

F-U employers that mess with your employees like this !!! Because of my husbands company our deductibles and insurance coverage has changed to save the company money.

NICE and F U OBAMA affordable what????? Guess I should have my husband quit his job and then I can go on welfare and milk the system and go to the ER for FREE on the tax payers dollars every time my kid coughs. (I'm really not going to do that just figuratively speaking)

 What's the world coming too? RANT OVER

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